Leadership + MUSIC = A magic combination

When it comes to bringing people together, there's nothing quite like music.  This powerful medium can cut across silos and hierarchies in an organisation, foster relationships, enable engagement, and get people - quite literally - singing off the same song sheet.

One Voice - A groundbreaking programme proven to access true potential and create transformation through the power of music


While music-in-business and office choirs are taking off around the UK, Alyson is the first to introduce this unique approach to team bonding and leadership development here in New Zealand.

It's a wonderfully creative (and research-proven) approach to fostering:

  • Team Building

  • Leadership development

  • Diversity & Inclusion

  • Health & Wellbeing


What will it do?

Challenge to stretch and step out of comfort zone

Empower to work collaboratively and powerfully together

Build closer, more trusting relationships

Develop emotional intelligence, creativity, self-awareness and confidence

Grow capability of group and personal leadership

Engage and Inspire through connection and positive impact


Who is it for? Teams/groups that are...

Newly formed and wanting to establish rapport and connection to work successfully together

Lack lustre, plodding along and needing something to unlock their engagement, creativity and effectiveness

Dysfunctional and needing to break down silos and barriers to partner strengths and work collaboratively

High performing and wanting to access their true potential

Women In Leadership Summit NZ 2017

Women In Leadership Summit NZ 2017

Women in Leadership Summit NZ 2017

Women in Leadership Summit NZ 2017

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Thanks very much to Alyson and Rachel at Performance Impact. We had a fantastic experience working with you. The workshop challenged us. It reminded us of the potential we all have and that to expose that potential we need to be brave enough to step beyond our comfort zones.
— Kari Jones - World Cup 2017 National Team Head Coach New Zealand Women's Lacrosse

”We were referred to Alyson from Performance Impact for her One Voice Programme where we quickly realised we could achieve more than just exploring comfort zone.
We ended up with the company performing a song, with harmonies!
It was magic and a true culture building experience cleverly managed by Alyson and her team. How often do you see whole companies singing with each other at the top of their voices, while having in depth breaks to talk about comfort zone.
We’d certainly endorse this as a unique development opportunity worth exploring.”
— Tony Wright - NZ Sales Manager Primary Care (Merck Sharp & Dohme)

The One Voice programme was an excellent addition to our Trusted Management Programme. One Voice was something very unexpected for participants and one which put them outside their comfort zones albeit in a very supportive and safe environment made possible by Alyson and Rachael. The growth in confidence of the team was evident and I’m sure we’ll see this translate into their business and personal lives.
— Matt Williams, Acting Chief Executive Officer at The Trusts
One voice with The Trusted Management Programme at The Trusts, 2019

One voice with The Trusted Management Programme at The Trusts, 2019

Find Out More!

If you are interested in exploring how a music-in-business solution could be tailored to your organisation's needs, get in touch today.


When I heard Alyson say that we would be performing in front of the group, I did freak out a little. Sometimes, however, I let my internal ‘suck it up, buttercup’ voice win out, and I decided to give it a go. Our group collaborated really well, and everyone was super supportive. There was really no opportunity provided to not get involved. The performance itself happened, and I took part. I am a bit proud of myself for that. In the end though, it wasn’t about the singing, or the performance. It was about working towards a common goal with a great group of people, and not letting them down.
— Nereida Smith - Software Development Manager (Women in Leadership Summit NZ)

When Alyson first explained the activity, I was totally despondent about it, even annoyed. Given the course was about leadership, I was really disappointed, thinking that I would not have an opportunity to contribute or learn. Reluctantly, I participated. In the end, I found a way to participate that had an impact.

What did I take away? It takes all sorts for a group to function as one. Diversity is an absolute necessity. Success is, in part, driven by finding valuable ways to contribute. When there is adversity, empowerment comes from stepping out of your comfort zone and contributing in a meaningful way. Thanks Alyson, for taking me on this journey. Its an experience I’ll draw on in the future when there is a need to dig deep.’
— Katie Beith - Senior Investment Strategist Responsible Investment (Women in Leadership Summit NZ)

Seeing the ‘impromptu’ song and knowing the courage, and no doubt cajoling, it took for my colleagues to get up and present it to our group for me was the highlight of the 2 day workshop. Music is infectious, and it was a lovely inclusive way to share the groups learnings. I went home smiling and reflected on this several times since. It didn’t matter at all how people sounded (although they were pretty darn good), I connected with the freedom to collectively step out of their comfort zones and the smiles on my colleagues faces that made this so special for me. Colleagues have said they couldn’t believe that Alyson had managed to get them to do it!
— Channon Stewart - Learning Programmes Manager

When Alyson first mentioned we were going to sing in our session, and in front of our colleagues I thought ‘get me out of here!’. Singing is so out of my comfort zone and I’m not very open to doing things that I know I am not good at. However, because the rest of the group wanted to give it a go, and Alyson helped coach us through and passed no judgement on my singing voice – I didn’t leave the session. To my surprise, by the end of the session I really enjoyed myself, and I felt that I had accomplished stepping out of my comfort zone and felt a sense of happiness. Thank you Alyson, a session I will probably never forget.
— Stephanie Sherriff - Learning Programmes Manager